Ricordo che quando a novembre sono venuta a trovarti avevi comprato quella pork pie in una bancarella in centro a Manchester per Stu, perchè mi dicevi che ne va matto! Quindi, sì, credo proprio che tu abbia ragione: trattasi di regalo boomerang, ovvero Stuart vuole che tu ne cucini quante più possibile! ihihihih
Oltre a quell'episodio, ricordo che quel giorno, nonostante il freddo e il vento, siamo state fortunate, perchè avremo preso sì e no due minuti di pioggia (e il mio ombrellino di Harrods ha fatto al caso nostro in quel momento), mentre il resto della giornata siamo state accompagnate dal bel tempo!
E devo dire che mi sono proprio divertita a camminare in mezzo a tutta quella gente (per essere un giorno lavorativo ce n'era davvero tanta, ma non troppa) e quel mix di odori, di caldarroste, carne alla griglia, patatine, dolciumi, pelle o legno, piante... Per non parlare della musica, le luci, le decorazioni, era tutto estremamente natalizio, non c'è che dire!
Food, food, and... food! |
Ricordi che fatica però trovare in mezzo a tutta quella roba il magnetino da mettere sul mio frigorifero? L'anno scorso ne avevo comprato uno, è vero, ma raffigurava due muffins, niente di tipico mancuniano, per intenderci. Ma stavolta la ricerca ha dato i suoi frutti, e mi sono portata a casa qualcosa che non lascia certamente spazio agli equivoci!
Chissà la prossima volta cosa troverò! ;-)
Guess which is my new magnet from Manchester? //Trova il nuovo magnetino |
Forse ora è meglio smettere di sognare e tornare al presente però: devo andare a preparare la valigia, visto che domani io e Ale partiamo per la montagna: una settimana in mezzo alla neve, fra passeggiate, rifugi, cibo buono e relax! E credimi davvero non vedo l'ora!
Quindi scappo, ma non prima di averti chiesto una cosa IMPORTANTISSIMA: la ricetta di quella meravigliosa meat pie che hai fatto, perchè ne sento il profumo fino a qua e voglio provarla anche io!
Un bacione da (per ora) Bertinoro!
Dear Tatina, how tasty should be that meat pie! I have no doubt!
I remember, when I was in Manchester, that you bought one (or two?) for Stu at the Christmas Markets: you told me that he really likes them (and I could personally check the truth, while watching him eating his little pie!) and for this reason I can tell you that, yes, it's been a "boomerang gift": he wants you to cook as many as possible! ehehehehe
Ooops...there's an owl! |
Uh, a picture of Manchester Christmas Markets has just jumped into my mind: it was really big! Full of stands coming from all Europe, even Italy, do you remember? It was so funny when we met that guy from Sicily: he wanted us to try their typical "cannoli", and we told him we'd just had lunch and were full... but... after a few seconds, you snapped at your dark chocolate fruit kebab and I bit my bretzel ('cause you know that I love them, and, wherever I am, if I find one, I'll have it!).
No, thanks, we are full... ihihihihih |
Moreover, I remember that day, aprt from the chilly wind, it was a really nice day, and it rained just a couple of minutes (when I could use my super Harrod's umbrella!).
I really enjoyed walking among all that people (there was a lot, but not too much, anyway) and those smells too: food, meat, chestnuts, sweets, leather, wood, etc. And all the lights, decorations, even the music: it was all extremely natal!
Nice idea for my next Christmas tree! |
But, despite all those products and Christmas souvenirs, how difficult was to find a fridge magnet for my collection! When I came over for your wedding, I'd already bought one, but it wasn't absolutely typical (it represents two muffins), that's why I wanted a new one: and finally -it was hard!- I found it, and no one could say that it's not from Manchester!
Mmmm... I'm just wandering... what about next fridge magnet? ;-)
I love scarves colors! |
Now... maybe it's time for me to come back to present time: you know, I'm leaving tomorrow with Ale. We're spending a whole week in the mountanins: the snow, the cold (and hot chocolate too), the walks, the food and RELAX! I can't wait, really!
So... I've to go now, my bag is waiting to be filled with all those warm clothes.
BUT. Before goig, I need you to do a very important thing: when I'll be back, I would really like to find here the recipe of your meat pie... because I can still smell it from here: it looks so good, and I want to try to make one!
A big hug from -for now- Bertinoro!
Meeting my new friend! |
Singing moose :-) |
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