Thursday 17 November 2011

Weekend in Staffordshire

Dear Tatina,
I love how you are always open to experiments, especially the ones to do with food and cooking! I remember that time you made cheese from scratch, it was delicious, so tasty! I wish I was more like you, it must be so satisfying eating something you have grown or made with your own hands!

I am sorry I have been away for a while, as you know I was away last weekend as we hired a cottage with some friends, do you remember I gave you a sneaky preview some time ago? Stuart and me had the Friday off work so we could get to the cottage for lunch time and familiarise ourselves with the place. The cottage itself was beautiful, with a huge kitchen, cosy bedrooms, a real fire in the lounge and a massive collection of books for the guests to enjoy.

view on the surrounding countryside

tall ceilings

roll top bath

Friday evening we all had dinner together, I made a huge pot of chilli con carne, which went down a treat. Then each couple (4 in total) had a go at making a cocktail for everyone, Stuart and me made mojitos, tasty!

Stu & me making mojitos

Nick's pina colada cocktails
green banana liquor

Cocktail making was fun! We also played Twister - or shall I say we fell over playing Twister! and we also played "Wink Murder", do you know this party game? One player is assigned the role of murderer, with the ability to "murder" other players by making eye contact and winking at them; another player is the detective. If a player is winked at, they fake sudden death and are removed from the game. Other players are forbidden from winking. The objective of the murderer is to murder as many people as possible and for the detective to spot who the murderer is. Nobody knows who the detective or the murderer is, apart from themselves. Stuart kept on cheating and pretending to be the murderer when he wasn't, but that didn't spoil it, we just laughed even more!

The next day, on Saturday, we all needed some fresh air so we went for a long walk, about 8 km through canals, fields and narrow paths.

After a short drive to the nearby village of Froghall, we started off walking down the picturesque Caldon Canal, the colours of the trees surrounding us were amazing, the camera really doesn't do them justice.

The temperature was mild, in fact we soon starting taking our coats off, I think we all had too many layers thinking it would be a chilly morning...on the contrary, it was pretty warm and we were all surprised considering the time of the year. We were really lucky though as the rain stayed away, even though it did rain the night before and the paths were very muddy. And I know well because towards the end of the walk I managed to trip on a stone that was sticking out of the path and I fell right in the mud...nice! I just started laughing though, luckily I reacted quickly and put my hands down and didn't hurt myself.

rewarding view from the top of the hill

so true!
so British!

We also made some friends along of the way...

feeding mints to the cows!

a cute pony
Next time I will tell you about our visit to the Monkey Forest and the Trentham Gardens where we went on Sunday :-) see you soon!


Cara Tatina,
ma come sei brava a dedicarti a tutti questi esperimenti! Soprattutto quelli a che fare con la roba da mangiare...come quella volta che ti sei messa a fare il formaggio, mi ricordo com'era saporito quando me l'hai fatto assaggiare! Chissa' che soddisfazione, vero?

Scusa se sono sparita per un po', ma eccomi qui per raccontarti dello scorso weekend, quando Stu ed io siamo andati via con i nostri amici in quel cottage del quale ti avevo parlato qualche tempo fa, ti ricordi? Il cottage era semplicemente fantastico, con una cucina enorme e ben fornita, cinque comode stanze da letto, due bagni, lavanderia, librerie colme di libri e il caminetto!

Il venerdi' sera abbiamo cenato in casa, ho fatto un piatto messicano, chilli con carne, e seguire ogni coppia si e' divertita a fare cocktails per gli altri, Stu ed io abbiamo fatto dei mojitos, Nick e Donna una specie di pina colada (rivisitata!), Dave e Catarina un cocktail anni '80 con un liquore alla banana (verdissimo!) e succo d'arancia, mentre Paul e Dawn hanno fatto mojitos pure loro, dovevano essere al lampone ma non erano riusciti a trovare i liquore al lampone...poco male, erano deliziosi comunque!

Abbiamo proseguito la serata giocando a Twister - o meglio, cadendo! Certe pose che non ti dico...! Dawn ci ha insegnato un altro gioco che si chiama "Wink Murderer", dove si estrae a sorte una persona che fa il detective, una che sara' l'omicida e gli altri fanno la parte di vittime. Le vittime devono far finta di morire appena vengono a contatto col killer, che le uccide con una strizzatina d' detective deve riuscire a scoprire il killer...Stu continuava a imbrogliare fingendo di essere il killer quando in realta' doveva far la non ha rovinato il gioco, anzi, ci siam divertiti ancora di piu'!

Il giorno dopo avevamo tutti bisogno di una bella boccata d'aria fresca, cosi' ci siamo avventurati in mezzo ai boschi per una passeggiata di circa 8km. Siam partiti dal villaggio di Froghall, in riva al Caldon Canal, per poi arrampicarci su per le colline e scendendo di nuovo tra prati, campi e sentierini, ovviamente con tappa al pub per pranzo ;-)
La temperatura era mite, oserei dire che faceva quasi caldo, siamo stati davvero fortunati! Aveva solo piovuto un po' durante la notte e infatti i sentieri erano abbastanza fangosi, cosa che ho toccato con mano perche' son riuscita a inciampare in un sasso che sporgeva e sono caduta infangandomi da capo a piedi!

La prossima volta tatina ti voglio raccontare di dove siamo andati la domenica: Monkey Forest e Trentham Gardens...un bacio e alla prossima!

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